Freshly ground Monorigine coffee for espresso machines.
It can be enjoyed with all home manual espresso machines. If you have a
Nescafé Dolce Gusto or
Nespresso espresso machine, you can find refillable capsules for these machines
The coffee is ground on the same day of shipment to ensure maximum freshness and aroma enjoyment. The thermal sealing of the aluminum bag ensures perfect preservation until it's opened and consumed.
Species: Arabica
Altitude: 1600 - 2000m
Preparation: Washed
Drying: Raised beds
Variety: Bourbon
Production area: San Pedro - Puno
Aroma: dried fruit, cocoa
Taste: balanced: notes of caramel and honey
Body: medium-full
Acidity: predominantly lactic
Aftertaste: persistent with notes of cocoa and dried fruit
SCA Score: 82
Our coffees benefit from an important characteristic: artisan roasting, where only through experience and human control can the optimal roast level be selected. The success of roasting lies in the balance achieved between time and temperature.
Notes on South American Coffee
The introduction of coffee to South America dates back to the 1700s, by Dutch and French colonies.
Subsequently, coffee seeds were smuggled and transported to Brazil. Today, coffee is grown in many South American countries, thanks to its favorable climatic conditions.
Their slight acidity and the classic taste of typical Arabica coffee distinguish the products from this region. They are generally considered as coffees with vibrant flavors and a distinct aftertaste.